Winner of the Bucks Best Kept Village Tindall Cup    SUMMER 2023

After the 2022 win in the Gurney Cup, for villages with a population of 500 and under, we did not expect to be able to repeat the success in 2023. Particularly as we were noow competing with all last year's winners for the Tindall Cup. But we pulled out all the stops and we WON again!

The Tindall Cup was presented by the Lord Lieutenant of Bucks, Countess Howe, on Saturday 23rd September. We can be very proud of the Best Kept Village sign in place for another year.

Here are the detailed results of the judges' scoring. 


Winner of the Bucks Best Kept Village    SUMMER 2022

WEEDON won the GURNEY CUP again (for villages with a population of 500 and under) in the Bucks Best Kept Village competition.

Weedon’s score was 95.5- our best-ever score in the competition. Here are the detailed results of the judges' scoring. 

The awards were presented by the the Chairman of the Best Kept Village Committee Buckinghamshire Councillor Bill Chapple OBE to Weedon Parish Council Chair Joanna Rose on Saturday 22nd September 2022.


Coronavirus Pandemic Community Support Group    2020-21

The Community Support Group was formed at the start of the first covid lockdown. Here are the updates sent out by the Community Support Group. They are all in pdf form and can be printed as booklets.

Monday 9th June Park Re-opening ----- Friday 5th June Update 9 ----- Friday 29th May Update 8

Friday 15th May Update 7 ----- Friday 1st May Update 6 ----- Friday 24th April Update 5

Friday 17th April Update 4 ----- Friday 10th April Update 3 ----- Friday 3rd April Update 2

Friday 27th March Update 1 ----- Friday 20th March Launch Leaflet



Winner of the Bucks Best Kept Village     SUMMER 2018

WEEDON won the GURNEY CUP again (for villages with a population of 500 and under) in the Bucks Best Kept Village competition.

Weedon’s score was 89% - our best-ever score in the competition. As in 2016, we got 14 marks out of 15 for overall appearance and evidence of community effort. The judges were extremely complimentary in their remarks, as you can see in the detailed table here.

The awards were presented by the Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher to Weedon Parish Council Chair Joanna Rose on Saturday 15th September 2018.


Winner of the Bucks Best Kept Village      SUMMER 2016

WEEDON won the GURNEY CUP (for villages with a population of 500 and under) in the Bucks Best Kept Village competition, and we were also awarded the SWORD OF EXCELLENCE as the highest-marked winner in any category.

Weedon’s score was 86%. We scored no lower than 70% on any one feature, with full marks on the park, children’s play area, nature conservation areas and noticeboards, and a fantastic 93% on overall appearance and evidence of community effort. The judges were extremely complimentary in their remarks, as you can see in the detailed table here.

The awards were presented by the Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher and competition chairman Richard Pushman to Weedon Parish Council Chairman Joanna Rose on Saturday 17th September 2016. Here are some pictures of the presentation.



Weedon is presented with the Gurney Cup, Sword of Excellence and framed Certificate


We last won the competition in 1997. Here are the Bucks Herald article and picture from that year.


Chairman of the Parish Council Ralph Followell and Councillor Eileen Aiston accepting the award from the Lord Lieutenant

Some other villagers left of the pole: Martin & Catherine Rodnight with Will; Helen Oakden; Nigel Jones; Roger Latham; Alan & Margaret Askew

Right of the pole: Mark Adams behind Dennis Drury; Wendy Adams; Julie Gibbs; Joanna Rose with Alexander and Catherine; Margaret Palin with Elliott; Maurice Adams


Replacement of the old Fortescue track gate with custom-designed replica     COMPLETE JULY 2016

We arranged for the pedestrian/vehicle double picket-style gate at the entrance to the footpath and Fortescue track on lower High Street to be replaced with an exact custom-made replica.


Work to the Pond 2015/16    COMPLETE JUNE 2016

  • The wooden bank stakes at the southern end of the pond have been fully replaced (Nov 15)
  • The posts in the grass have been replaced. These have been left taller than before in order to be more visible. (Nov 15) 
  • A new floating pontoon and duck house have been installed (Jun 16). The old duck house will be removed at the end of the nesting season.


Improvements to Village Walk footpaths     COMPLETE SPRING 2016

Most of the stiles on the Village Circular Walk have been replaced with gates where feasible and appropriate in order to make the footpaths more accessible.



War Memorial Cleaning and Repair    COMPLETE SEPTEMBER 2014

In the year of the hundredth anniversary of the start of World War I, the parish council undertook a full cleaning and repair of the Weedon War Memorial. A grant was obtained from the War Memorials Trust to cover half the cost. The Weedon and Hardwick memorials were erected in 1921 with funds raised by public subscription. A copy of the Bucks Herald article covering the official opening in May 1921 is on the History pages here.

Here are some before and after pictures of the memorial.






New play equipment at the Park        COMPLETE AUGUST 2013

Weedon Village Play Area 

We carried out a consultation in 2012 to establish what new play equipment would be appropriate for the Park. We were successful in obtaining a £47,000 grant from WREN for outside funding to add to £15,000 of Parish Council reserves, and with the generous additional help of the Anson Charitable Trust, we have been able to develop a playground that meets current best practice with high play value for children from 0 to 14 years and looks great!

The playground was certified by ROSPA safety inspectors on 20th August 2013, and opened the next day.

The official ribbon-cutting ceremony was performed by Pat Johnstone and Jean Wood on Sunday 1st September at the Weedon Village Barbecue and Jazz event.


Re-design of the Weedon website      COMPLETE 2012/13

We worked with Race Computing to design this new website.


Work to the Pond 2011/12      COMPLETE

Following expert advice from an Ecological Consultant who had examined over 1,000 ponds in the region, and oversaw the works to Walton Pond in Aylesbury, in December 2011 while the water was low, we dug out the silt from the pond base.

Following all the rain in 2012, the pond re-filled nicely, and we are now looking at planting more “duck-proof“ margin plants like the irises around the edges of the pond alongside the side/back wall and fence. We'll also be digging out the stinging nettles and replacing them with the sorts of plants the consultant recommended.

These pictures were taken immediately after the silt clearance.



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