Weedon Village Association organises a variety of events for all who live in Weedon.
Anyone can get involved -
- Come to the events if you can!
- Offer to help at the events if you'd like to.
- If you have any ideas for village events please do contact any of the committee or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Come along to the AGM to find out more about this fabulous Association.
WVA epitomises the fact that Weedon is such a special place to live.
The WVA committee
Catherine Rodnight is Chair, Wendy Kett Treasurer and the other committee members are Lizzy Birks, Mandie Fairhurst, Lottie Holmes, Sally Jones, Penny Stevens and Helen McIntyre.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Catherine Rodnight 07941 172118 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Lottie Holmes 01296 641353
Sunday 26 January 2025 WVA New Year Lunch for Over-65s
How did WVA come about?
In 1977 the Silver Jubilee was celebrated at Lilies. Despite pouring with rain, it was greatly enjoyed and brought many of the inhabitants of Weedon together. Buoyed by success and money left over from this celebration, WVA was born. The first event held was a children's Christmas party in the Old Schoolroom free of charge to all children in the village.
Who was first involved in WVA?
The committee in 1977 included Laurie Gower as Chair and Richard Chiddick, Richard Fincher, Sid Fruin and Roland Richardson, very different to the committee of 2024, who are all female.
Is WVA a charity?
What events has WVA organised over the years?
In the early days of the WVA, garden parties were held in the summer. There were stalls and games including "splat the rat" and "hook a duck‟, run by Judy Nagele. Egg and spoon, three legged and wheelbarrow races were hotly contested. Over the years the garden parties evolved into fetes and were held at several different locations including Weedon Lodge, Lilies, Lear House and the Small House.
Wine tasting, fireworks, summer barbecues, Open gardens, Jazz in the Park, Quiz with fish and chips, brunch, progressive suppers, Egg rolling at Easter, a horticultural show, annual village clear up and Games afternoons are just some of the events run over the years.
What have been the most memorable events?
Fancy dress parades starting from the Park were always a big part of festivities with children and adults all entering into the spirit, one year there was a most memorable "sack of potatoes‟ fancy dress! A "scarecrow supper‟ was held in the Old Schoolroom, where everyone dressed up as a scarecrow and had sausage and mash for supper.
The Weedon Ball was an annual event until the Covid pandemic. It is the main fundraising event for WVA. It was often a sell-out and had a dress theme, which together with the live band and home-cooked meal made a memorable event.
The Platinum Jubilee Street party in 2022 was one of the more recent memorable events. Jointly organised by WVA and the Old Schoolroom committee over 200 people enjoyed a barbecue with live music, and all for free.
What does WVA raise funds for?