The Lord Fortescue's Charity makes grants for any charitable purpose for the relief of need and general benefit of anyone living in the civil Parish of Weedon.
1. Agricultural land in Weedon - let to S G Chapman
2. Agricultural land in Weedon - 11.26 acres let to S Welman on 3-year farm business tenancy commencing March 2023
3. Charifund and COIF shares

approximately £2,500 p.a.
Trustees: appointed by Weedon Parish Council
Justin Sellers (Chairman)
George Anson
Margaret Askew
Joanna Rose
Nicolette Habgood

Clerk: Wendy Kett, 34 East End, Weedon, Aylesbury, Bucks HP22 4NJ. Tel 640366.
Email: - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Grant policy

The Trustees meet in October each year to consider applications for grants to those in Need, but applications may, in an emergency, be made at any time of the year. When making grants the trustees will be influenced by the amount of money available and the assessment of the need.

Grants can be given for any purpose, where help is not already available from the state, to people of any age who live in Weedon and are in NEED of financial assistance. For example, additional help in the home for people who are old, ill or disabled, a contribution towards the cost of electricity or heating, the purchase of mobility aids or respite care for carers. Applications may be submitted by friends or relatives on behalf of those who may not feel able to do so themselves. Only one application per household will normally be considered in any year (September-August).

The charity can also help support things for the benefit of the village as a whole or groups within in it, such as the cost of setting up and running a Parent & Toddler Group, a youth club, an interest group like gardening or photography, or social club for pensioners.

Application forms may be downloaded from this site or obtained from the Clerk or any of the Trustees.

Click here for a copy of the application form

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