The hall is also booked privately for Parties, Band Practices and Meetings, so please check for availability.
Please contact the organiser for further information on the regular public events.
Day | Time | Event | Contact | Contact Tel | |
Monday |
Weekly |
9 am - 10 am |
BodyTone | Tara | 07872 449019 |
Monday | Weekly |
7 pm - 8.30 pm |
Yoga | Paul |
01296 680454 |
Tuesday | Weekly | 9 am - 10 am | Stretch and Core | Tara |
07872 449019 |
Tuesday | 2-weekly 2nd & 4th Tuesday | 2 pm - 4 pm | Whist | Linda | 01296 641402 |
Tuesday |
Monthly 2nd Tuesday | 8 pm - 10 pm | Tuesday Club | Judy | 01296 641278 |
Tuesday | 2-monthly 3rd Tuesday odd months | 7.30 pm - 10 pm | Weedon Parish Council | Ruth (Clerk) | 01280 814739 |
Wednesday |
Weekly spring & autumn term time | 10 am - 2 pm |
Upholstery Group |
Chris | 01296 641452 |
Thursday |
Weekly | 2 pm - 4 pm | Art Class | Clare | 01296 641039 |
Friday |
Monthly first Friday |
10.30 am - 12 noon | Schoolroom Cafe | Joanna |
01296 641622 or 07885 201159 |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Various times | Weedon Village Association | Catherine | 07941 172118 |
UPDATED December 2024